Challenges in Testing for Pathogens
in Spices and Seasoning Blends
Challenges in Testing for Pathogens
in Spices and Seasoning Blends
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Thursday April 27th
In this on-demand webinar you will learn about testing challenges in spices & seasoning blends.
Because many spices are grown in hot, humid, and less developed countries, there is opportunity for microbial contamination during production and processing activities. As a result, spices destined for ready-to-eat applications are treated to eliminate pathogens.
In order to prove the effectiveness of these treatments, spice sellers and buyers typically require lot verification tests to prove that pathogens are indeed absent from products, but spices contain both antimicrobial and assay inhibitory compounds, which can confound classical cultural, and more modern rapid testing methods.
In this webinar Dr. Demarco, Associate Scientific Director of Eurofins Microbiology, will discuss the following:
Daniel Demarco, Ph.d.
Associate Scientific Director
Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories, Inc.
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