Better for You Newsletter

This webinar will focus on best practices for testing dietary supplements with an emphasis on using scientifically valid test methods. 

The webinar will explain:

- The importance of using fit-for-purpose methods
- Key attributes of a high quality testing laboratory
- Understanding the drive for industry harmonization of testing 


Jeff Stassi, Senior Analytical Service Manager, Dietary Supplements,
Eurofins Food Chemistry Testing Madison

Darryl Sullivan, Chief Scientific Officer, Eurofins US Food

Case Study: When to Develop Your Own Probiotic Enumeration Methods

Testing or enumeration Bacillus coagulans in gummies is not as straight forward as it seems. Sometimes product matrices are challenging and require a new custom method. Learn how our testing experts know exactly how to problem solve testing in tough matrices like gummy candies.

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5 Things You Need to Know About Probiotic Enumeration Methods and How We Can Help

If you are a manufacturer or sell probiotic supplements, testing for counts of probiotic strains is not always straight forward. Here are five tips you should know when it comes to testing your product and verifying your label claims.

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Turmeric case study:
Analytical strategies to determine the labeling accuracy and economically-motivated adulteration of “natural” dietary supplements in the marketplace

Turmeric has faced authenticity issues as instances of economic adulterations to reduce the cost. We used carbon-14 and HPLC analyses as complementary methods to verify “all-natural” label claims of commercial dietary supplements containing turmeric ingredients.

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Eurofins US Food, Feed, & Supplement Testing

 Eurofins Happenings

Upcoming Webinar 

Coming Soon: Join us for our Nutritional Webinar with Mollie Van Alst on Wednesday, May 18th at noon CST.  Watch your email for notifications to sign up!

IFT 2022

July 10-13, 2022
Chicago, Illinois

International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) 2022 Annual Meeting 

July 31- August 3 
Pittsburgh, PA 

American Spice Trade Association Annual Meeting 

Our Eurofins team was excited to attend the ASTA meeting in Miami, Florida last week. We also were a Ruby sponsor at the event and enjoyed the opportunity to connect with so many of you. 

Training Courses

HACCP For Food Processors 
May 3-4 | Virtual
Implementing SQF Systems- Human Food- Edition 9  
May 5-6 | Virtual
PCQI- Preventive Controls for Human Foods 
May 10-12 | Virtual
Food Defense and Vulnerability Assessment 
May 12-13 | Virtual
Internal Food Safety Auditor
May 18-19 | Virtual
BRCGS Global Standard Issue 8
May 24-25 | Virtual
Environmental Monitoring Program 
May 24-25 | Virtual
PCQI- Preventive Controls for Animal Foods 
May 24-26 | Virtual